
Showing posts from July, 2020

Store data in MySQL using Python : sample code

Store data in MYSQL in Python Many times in your python application you may need to store results or some data into relational database and MySQL is one of the most widely used relational database. In this post we are presenting you with a sample script to insert records in MySQL table.  In below example we will be using mysql connector python for demonstration. import mysql.connector from mysql.connector import Error from mysql.connector import errorcode try: connection = mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost', database='test', user='root', password='root') print("connection is open") query = """INSERT INTO Person (`Name`, `Age`, `DOB`, `Address`) VALUES ('ABC', 134,'2001-08-14', 'Rajasthan, India') """ cursor = co

Easiest way to Dockerize your Java application using Jib plugin

Containerizing a Java application is no easy an easy job, it requires to create Docker file with many commands within it along with base image and many other things. Due to all these things developers at Google has decided to simplify this process of Containerizing an application using some pluggins, so they have created a library called Jib . How to use Jib to dockerize/Containerize your Java/Springboot application: There is a Maven and Gradle plugin available which requires minimal configuration. For running Gradle execute : gradle jib  or gradle jibDockerBuild and Maven command: mvn compile jib:build mvn compile jib:dockerBuild In my opinion it is quite simple job to use this pluggin which simplifies the Java development and creates container images on the fly.